The ketogenic diet has gained a lot of notoriety over the last decade and more research is being done to see if it can have an effect on preventing and treating certain diseases. Ketones are a vital part of our body as they are used as fuel for our mitochondria when we don't have glucose available. The mitochondria is small structures in our cells that hold various types of fuel. Those fuels are … [Read more...]
The Gut-Brain Axis
It has now been scientifically proven that the health of your intestines and stomach is vital to our health overall. There are also additional facts we are finding out about our stomach as a result of scientific studies and research. The connection between our gut and our brain is also documented. This axis explains why nervousness triggers the feeling of pain in the stomach. This is the result of … [Read more...]
Edible Flowers: How to Find & Use Them in Recipes
Flowers are not just visually beautiful, they have a culinary tradition dating back thousands of years. Not all flower varieties are edible, however, and many are harmful. Examples of edible flowers include carnations, chamomile, hibiscus, lavender and squash blossoms. The safest source of edible flowers is to buy seeds and grow them yourself. Be sure to use only non-toxic pesticides. It's also … [Read more...]
Sleep Disorders in Kids: How the Microbiome Could Be the Key
In children, sleep disorders can cause problems with school performance and behavior, as well as create neurologic and immunologic issues. Researchers have detected the existence of the brain microbiome that has an impact on sleep. The brain is essentially cleared of waste during sleep, especially REM sleep. Children with neurologic challenges tend to have less REM sleep and fewer dreams, and thus … [Read more...]
How To Use Food As Medicine with Dr. William Li
Doctors are taught all about pharmaceuticals, but not enough about the power of food as medicine. Dr. William Li joins us on this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy to discuss this topic. Dr. Li explains how food compounds interact with the body's biology and how doctors can prescribe “farmaceutical" alternatives. We'll also discuss the importance of our microbiomes. Dr. Li even shares how his mother … [Read more...]
Mexican-Spiced Ocean Trout with Avocado Salsa
Ocean trout fillets are pink and firm-fleshed, much like salmon fillets, which can be substituted in this recipe. Begin by making a salsa from avocado, red onion, red chili, coriander leaves, and the zest and juice of a lime. Mexican spice rub is made combining cumin, chili powder, smoked paprika, and sea salt. Debone the trout fillets, but leave the skin on. Score the skin and rub in the spices. … [Read more...]
3 Fun & Easy Avocado Recipes To Enjoy
Avocados are both delicious and healthy. There are several quick ways to get them into your diet. Creamy Avocado Dressing is made with garlic, lime juice and apple cider vinegar, and can be served on salads or side dishes. Easy guacamole can be prepared by adding salt and pepper, lemon and paprika to diced avocado. Finally, there's an Avocado Face Mask that's good enough to eat. In addition to … [Read more...]
Mexican Corn Fritters With Tomato & Avocado Salsa
Fritters are a great way to add vegetables to the diet, and yellow corn fritters are dense with carotenoids. To make the salsa, mash avocado, onion and lime juice in a bowl, then add chopped tomatoes and coriander leaves, plus some sea salt. For the fritters, remove corn from two cobs. Add it to three lightly beaten eggs along with paprika, thyme, ground coriander, and lime zest. Heat oil in a … [Read more...]
11 Best Morning Stretches To Do Right When You Wake Up
Morning stretches can help those who feel tense when they wake up. Stretching has several benefits, including improved flexibility and range of motion. Right after getting up in the morning, try a neck or trapezius stretch. A spine stretch can be performed from a chair or stool, while a hamstring stretch requires a foot strap. The cross-legged side stretch, kneeling lunge, and foot and calf … [Read more...]
Walk Your Way into Optimal Physical and Mental Health
On this episode of The Dhru Purohit Podcast, we discuss the underrated activity of walking. People who walk more are healthier, live longer, and are even happier about life. Specific benefits of walking include reduced stress and improved blood sugar. The episode covers topics such as how to incorporate walking into your routine and how much you need to walk to see great results. In addition, … [Read more...]
Vanilla Custard Keto Ice Cream
This ice cream recipe comes courtesy of our social media manager. Four egg yolks are mixed over heat with a natural, low-carb sweetener, such as stevia or keto maple syrup. To this is added a cup of full-fat coconut milk and a cup of unsweetened almond or coconut milk, plus vanilla extract and salt. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator to cool before being run through an ice cream machine. … [Read more...]
Hass Avocado Composition and Potential Health Effects
Commerically speaking, the most common avocado is the Hass avocado. This fruit contains many essential nutrients, as well as phytochemicals. Studies have shown that people who consume avocados have more dietary fiber and vitamins K and E than people who do not eat avocados. In particular, this fruit has roughly 80% dietary fiber and large amounts of antioxidant vitamins, such as C and E. … [Read more...]
Avocado oil for skin: 8 benefits and how to use it
There are many different benefits that come from using avocado oil for the skin. One of the great aspects of avocado oil is that it works as a moisturizer and will keep your skin hydrated. It also has antioxidants and vitamins in it that can help reduce inflammation. There also was a study done in 2017 that showed avocado oil may be able to reduce oxidative damage that can cause kidney damage in … [Read more...]
How to Ripen Avocados Perfectly –
The color and feel of an avocado reveals its ripeness. Hard, bright green ones are 4 to 7 days away from being ripe. Those that are very dark with flecks of green are ready to eat. They are still firm, but have a slight flex when squeezed. Black avocados with mushy skin are past their prime and should be discarded. Another way to check is by the nub of the stem. If the stem removes easily and is … [Read more...]
Primary Health Benefits of Avocados | Cedars-Sinai
Avocados are a versatile and healthy fruit that have been nationally embraced over the past decade. Not only are these fruits loaded with fiber and healthy fats, but they are also an excellent vitamin source. Furthermore, avocados aid in acting as a direct delivery system for certain vitamins which are better to gain directly from food due to not absorbing as well in supplemental forms. … [Read more...]
The avocado toast index: How many breakfasts to buy a house?
Millennials are well-known for drinking overpriced lattes and eating fancy breakfasts, such as toast covered with avocadoes. However, it may be wiser to use the money spent on such extravagances on sensible investments instead. To determine just how many lavish breakfasts such as avocado toast it would take to afford a home, a study was performed utilizing data from several cafes in 10 different … [Read more...]
10 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
There are many different benefits that come from intermittent fasting. One of the best things that happens when you fast is that you will lower your insulin levels and increase your HGH levels which will help you break down body fat and use it for energy. When you fast for a short time period you will also get the benefit of having a higher metabolic rate which will help you burn more calories. … [Read more...]
Scheduled fasting may help with weight loss – Harvard Health
There has been research that shows scheduled fasting can help people lose weight. The evidence shows that it can help overweight and obese adults lose weight and can help them lower their risk for cardiovascular disease. It can also help to lower blood pressure as well as blood sugar. The two most effective forms of fasting included modified alternate day fasting as well as the 5:2 method. Most … [Read more...]
Keto AutoImmune Diet: Burn Fat and Inflammation
The keto autoimmune diet will help you burn fat and also lower the amount of inflammation in your body. There are many symptoms that can show you have autoimmunity such as fatigue, a recurring fever or abdominal pain. These can be caused by many different things such as gluten sensitivity or neurological stress. The keto autoimmune diet is high in fat and low in carbs. It typically eliminates … [Read more...]
Water Fasting: 12 Strategies to Prepare Properly
There are many strategies that you can use to prepare for a water fast. There are many benefits that come from fasting as well. Fasting can help you stimulate fat burning, reducing inflammation, having a much better mental health and improving insulin sensitivity. There are also many people that shouldn't be doing an extended water fast. People who have eating disorders, pregnant women and young … [Read more...]