Although it made an appearance at Woodstock, granola was not invented by hippies. In fact, its roots are in the 19th century clean living movement championed by people such as John Harvey Kellogg. Granola is a relatively less processed breakfast cereal. However, it isn't always healthy. Some commercial brands have a lot of sugar and refined oils. Healthier brands include Purely Elizabeth, Go Raw, … [Read more...]
The Connection Between Diet and Mental Health
Food can affect your mood. The gut microbiome is an ecosystem of microorganisms inside the human gastrointestinal tract. In the past, it was believed the blood-brain barrier kept these microorganisms away from the brain. Now, gut-brain communication is better understood, and a diverse gut microbiome is recognized as beneficial to both physical and mental well-being. Evidence suggests a … [Read more...]
3 Herbs To Heal Your Gut (And Recipes!)
There are a few different herbs that you can start eating in order to help your gut health. Gentian root is a classic when it comes to digestion and is typically used in the alcoholic beverages that are served before a meal. This root helped to stimulate saliva and it gets your body prepared to break down and process your meal. Ginger is another fantastic herb to add into your diet as it can help … [Read more...]
‘If you’re looking for a banana that’s lower GI, go for a green one…’ nutritionist explores benefits of ripe and unripe bananas
Bananas are a healthy part of any diet, but there benefits differ based upon their ripeness. According to a sports nutritionist from Australia, the level of ripeness of a banana affects how it's processed in the body. For example, greener bananas, ones that aren't as ripe, promote positive gut health. Although, they may taste bitter. Regular bananas, the ones that are yellow, tend to have the … [Read more...]