The ketogenic diet has gained a lot of notoriety over the last decade and more research is being done to see if it can have an effect on preventing and treating certain diseases. Ketones are a vital part of our body as they are used as fuel for our mitochondria when we don’t have glucose available. The mitochondria is small structures in our cells that hold various types of fuel. Those fuels are then turned into the energy that we need to live, which is in the form of ATP.
Key Takeaways:
- The ketogenic diet has become very popular lately as a way to prevent certain diseases.
- Ketones are produced by the liver and they travel to our tissues as fuel for the mitochondria.
- Mitochondria are small structures in our cells where different fuels such as ketones are turned into energy that we need in the form of ATP.
“Mitochondria are little structures inside our cells where various fuels, including ketones, are turned into the energy we need to live, in the form of ATP, our cell’s energy currency.”
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