Your skin is your bodies largest organ and it protects you from viruses, bacteria, and the sun’s ultraviolet light. It also uses the sun to produce Vitamin D, it also helps keep your bodies temperature. Toxins can damage your skin and cause not only skin cancer but other things such as irratation and inflammation. Parabens found in cosmetics, hair shampoo, lotions, facial cleansers can cause hormonal damage, skin damage, avoid chemicals when you can. Protect your skin from harmful sun rays to stop skin cancer and premature aging. You also need to eat a healthy diet to help prevent inflammation which can lead to heart disease and diabetes, among other illnesses.
Key Takeaways:
- Your skin protects you from viruses, bacteria and the harsh sun, it produces Vitamin D with the sun and is our biggest organ.
- Parabens can damage the skin and effect your overall health and your hormonal balance. You can find them in shampoo, body wash, sunscreens, and antiperspirant.
- Radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer, wrinkles, spots and premature aging. Use sunscreen and stay out of the sun if you can during peak periods.
“In this article, you will learn about your skin’s anatomy and physiology, things that can damage your skin, symptoms of skin inflammation, foods that can lead to skin damage.”
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