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Inside out Avocado Sushi Rolls

Inside Out Avocado Sushi Rolls

  • Author: Paul
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Yield: 2-4 people 1x


Embark on a culinary journey with our Salmon-Wrapped Sushi Rolls, a fusion of delicate flavors and textures. Each roll is a masterpiece of sashimi-grade salmon enveloping a core of seasoned sushi rice, crisp asparagus, and creamy avocado, accented with bursts of salmon caviar. Finished with a hint of garlic aioli, these sushi rolls promise an exquisite, melt-in-your-mouth experience that’s both visually stunning and delightfully satisfying.


  • 2 cups sushi rice
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 sheets nori (seaweed)
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 8 spears steamed asparagus, trimmed to fit the roll
  • 4 tablespoons salmon caviar
  • 8 ounces of sashimi-grade salmon, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup garlic aioli
  • Plastic wrap
  • Bamboo sushi rolling mat


Sushi Rice Preparation:

  • Rinse the sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
  • Combine the rinsed rice and water in a rice cooker and cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • While the rice is cooking, mix the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt in a small saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves.
  • Once the rice is cooked, transfer it to a large bowl, and carefully fold in the vinegar mixture. Allow the rice to cool to room temperature.

Salmon-Wrapped Roll Assembly:

  • Lay a sheet of plastic wrap on the bamboo mat.
  • Over the plastic, lay down the thinly sliced salmon in a sheet wide enough to cover a sushi roll.
  • Place a sheet of nori over the salmon.
  • Wet your hands to prevent sticking and spread an even layer of sushi rice on top of the nori sheet, covering it completely.
  • Arrange slices of avocado and two asparagus spears on the rice at one end, spreading approximately ¼ of the caviar evenly across the width of the avocado & asparagus.
  • Using the plastic wrap and bamboo mat, carefully roll the sushi away from you, making sure to keep the salmon on the outside of the roll. Squeeze the roll tightly as you go to ensure it holds together.
  • Once the roll is complete, twist the ends of the plastic wrap to seal and shape the roll. Refrigerate for 1-2 minutes to firm up the salmon.

Cutting the Roll:

  • Remove the roll from the refrigerator and unwrap the plastic.
  • With a sharp, wet knife, slice the roll into 6-8 pieces, ensuring not to tear the salmon. Clean the knife between cuts.

Finishing Touches:

  • Top each piece with a small dollop of garlic aioli.
  • Add a small spoonful of salmon caviar on top of the aioli.

Plating and Serving:

  • Place the sushi pieces on a plate.
  • Serve with pickled ginger, a small dab of wasabi, and a dish of tamari for dipping.

Serving Size:

This adjusted recipe would still make approximately 4 rolls, yielding 24-32 pieces, serving 2-4 people depending on the portion size preferred.


  1. Preparing the Sushi Rice:
    • Rinsing the sushi rice: about 2 minutes.
    • Cooking the rice in a rice cooker: About 20 minutes (this is a passive cooking time).
    • Mixing and heating the vinegar mixture, then cooling the rice: about 15 minutes combined (as the rice can start cooling while you’re preparing other ingredients).
  2. Assembling the Rolls:
    • Setting up the workspace with plastic wrap and bamboo mat: about 1 minute.
    • Laying the salmon and nori, and spreading the rice: about 5 minutes per roll, totaling 20 minutes for 4 rolls.
    • Adding avocado, asparagus, and caviar, and rolling: about 3 minutes per roll, totaling 12 minutes for 4 rolls.
    • Refrigerating the rolls to firm up the salmon: 1-2 minutes (this can overlap with the preparation of other rolls).
  3. Cutting the Roll:
    • Unwrapping and slicing each roll into pieces: about 2 minutes per roll, totaling 8 minutes for 4 rolls.
  4. Adding Final Touches:
    • Adding garlic aioli and more caviar on each piece: about 2 minutes.
  5. Plating and Serving:
    • Arranging the sushi pieces and serving accompaniments: about 2 minutes.

Total Active Preparation Time: Approximately 62-63 minutes.

Cooking Time: Approximately 20 minutes (for the rice, which is a passive activity).

  • Prep Time: 40 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 mins